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Utica Elementary PTO Spiritwear Fundraiser

Orders Deadline: NOVEMBER 10th, 2023

-All orders will be completed and returned to the school before Christmas Break. Orders will be distributed to your student's classroom. If your items are Christmas gifts, please add the "Christmas Gift" item to your cart & you can pickup your order in the elementary office. Orders can also be shipped to you for an addtional cost.

​​-Logo colors will change (grey, red, white, black,) based on the color of shirt you choose.

-Due to current supply chain shortages, some brands and colors may vary slightly. If major substitution is needed for any items, we will contact you either by phone or email.

​-Be sure to select the "LOAD MORE" option below to see all items within the store.


​If you would like to see more information about specifications/sizing chart for any items, please contact us!


We don’t have any products to show here right now.

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